Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Facts

Hey friends! Thank you Dayton friends for helping me have yet another fantastic weekend. Sadly, I will not be returning to visit again until the Fall. BUTTTT Daytona anyone???

Enough about Dayton. I'm in the windy city and things are sure getting busy. We have our sketch show this Friday so my group "Molly's Hot Pants" (no idea why we agreed on this) are actually very well prepared and are finishing the final re-writes of our scenes for the show. Woohoo so interesting I know.

I started listening to Marc Maron's podcast called WTF tonight while I was shoveling my room clean. For those of you who don't know wtf WTF it's basically Maron interviewing famous comedians and comedy writers like Conan, Sarah Silverman, yada yada yada and they talk about mostly serious stuff and funny stuff too. It's interesting seeing the serious side of their funny brains and most of them are messed up.

I am embarrassed to admit I'm lovin' Twitter. I guess I'm getting really sick of the fbook routine and people write some funny stuff. Kid Cudi is always depressing and angry, the Kardashians just keep tweeting they're excited about something, Judd Apatow loves retweeting his obsessive fans, Perez Hilton just sucks up to Lady Gaga, OH and because it's midnight, celebrities and commoners alike will begin tweeting they are exhausted YET cannot sleep, AND this just in Daniel Tosh just asked his Twitter followers if anyone has ever died of diarrhea.

Good talk. Tomorrow I'll do a video or something?

Happy Tuesday!

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