Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hump Day

I read some funny tweets today. I'm going to share a few with you...

Great, Applebee’s starts serving toddlers alcohol and my kids gave up booze for Lent.
my anthropology class is discussing the differences between an old bad ass cowboy and a gay shirtless cowboy
These guys just came into my apartment. Lol. Um what? Well, to fix my air conditioning. But I got out of the shower and they were just there
Yea my shoes don't fit, I have smurf feet, who gives a f*ck? Its just for a picture. Maybe if shoe designers thought about us Meatballs ...

Awe just saw a baby squirrel and its momma climbin a tree together
I'm wearing heels today. Because I can.
Left a long "F*** You" voicemail to dude that stole my iPhone. And just sadly realized, only I will end up listening to that voicemail.
Ke$ha's tour is called Get $leazy...with a dollar sign
the awkward moment when you run over your own banana peel in Mario cart....

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