Monday, January 31, 2011

The last three classes are just as wonderful as the first three soooo here they are.

Acting III: Sketch and Theatrical Comedy
 Our professor for Acting has written a few Improv/acting books that we are encouraged to read. He reminds me of the comedian Lewis Black's character in the movie Accepted. If you have not seen it too bad cause I can't describe him any better. He swears like a sailor on drugs but is a very intelligent man. He is definitely NOT afraid to share his opinions. I'm liking him a lot. 

Physical and Vocal Training for Comedy
Jet is our professor and she is the most hippie dippy person I've seen thus far in the theater world. She's a free spirit and has the yoga instructor mentality with added swear words for comfort. This classroom is similar to a dance studio with the mirrors and wooden floors. We did some crazy exercises and mind games aka you have to give up the fact of being a normal cool and start gettin' weird.  For one exercise we all laid on our backs with the lights off. Jet said to make a sound scape which meant everyone had to create their own noise or voice to create one flowing rhythmic beat as a class. Bizarre but very cool.

Writing Comic Scenes
This class is taught by a younger guy named Andy. He is really down to earth and is a disgustingly talented writer. Our first homework assignment was to write two monologues, one similar to ourselves and the other, opposite ourselves. Our class is four hours long and starts at 9 am which might a bit difficult but I'll keep ya posted YA'LL!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The 411

Overall, this week was a BLAST. The comedy studies group is getting along swimmingly and we've already seen the Second City Main Stage Show and ETC show and they were fantastic. The shows were both equally hilarious but one had more musical pieces than the other. My classes are going to be the bomb diggity.

Creating Scenes Through Improvisation 
 This class is taught by a man named Norm. He's in his forties and wears a long trench coat and crazy glasses. He's a straight to the point kind of guy and I already learn a crap ton from him. His improv exercises are all about getting inside of your character and the relationships with group.

History and Analysis of Modern Comedy
I never thought I would say this but I look forward to history class. First day of class we took a 59 question quiz all about the history of comedy going back to Charlie Chaplin to Lily Tomlin to Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy. My teacher for this class is also head of the program and was one of the members to start it. Anne has worked along side the greats of comedy and also wrote two books I previously read. Very down to earth lady. 

Context for Comedy
In context for comedy we learn about satire and the first day of class we discussed The Colbert Report and The Daily Show. We had to list ten pet peeves we have in the world. 

Examples from me and my classmates in no specific order: 

  • Rock of Love
  • Billy Ray Cyrus 
  • Black ice
  • Everybody Loves Raymond
  • Self check-outs 
  • Jersey Shore
  • Bandwagon hoppers
  • Teen pregnancies
  • Stupid people
  • Sarah Palin
  • The fact that George Bush is not a comedian
  • People who are double jointed 
  • TSA
  • Yellow lights
  • Mothers who let their babies cry really loud in Target
  • Velcro Shoes

After we shared our list of ten aloud to the class we had to choose the one that made us most angry and write about why for two minutes. After, two at a time went up on stage and started SCREAMING what we wrote down simultaneously to rest of the class. I hate self check-outs. 

It. Was. Awesome.  


More to explain but out of time for now! Check back later!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bus Stop Sass

Personal Reminders

Simple personal reminder to stay organized as seen above. 
Personal reminder: Never look at this again.
Simple Reminder: Stuff ^

 Last and least Deceiving Reminder: This ice hasn't melted.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Case of the Happy Mondays

Andy and Jasper excited my camera is out again.

Most likely discussing how lost we are. 

Awesome sky I noticed while ignoring the fact we were lost.



It was a magical moment in time when the boys and I took our first steps onto The Second City grounds. We did miss our first bus but still arrived on time   early.  Great Success! Arriving to class was comfortable because we already know more than half the class. We met our new professors who have taught some reaally reallly cool people. We had an awkward 2 hour lunch and then had Improv Orientation. 
Pleasant Tomorrows!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Weekend

Taken by someone who didn't tell me to smile.
Orientation went wonderfully on Friday, minus the fact it was -17 out or something. We went to Columbia to get our ID pictures
yeah.... I wasn't ready. We finally met everyone in our program which was pretty intimidating but the roommates and I did well. We got there early and were dressed like adults (except we played hacky sack at the bus stop). The entire program (all 32 of us) ate lunch together and planned a party at someone's apartment in Lincoln Park.
Taken by Andy
It was a success and I believe some had too much fun. It consisted of loud shouting and right and wrong name guessing awarded with heavy high fives and led to ukulele playing and dancing. I felt perfectly at peace. It looks like we will now be partying in long skinny apartments with pretty wood floor and high ceilings. I feel chic. I am still directionally challenged in Chicago but I pat myself on the back for waking up in my own apartment each morning.

Colleen, Zan, Andy, Sarah and myself Friday night taken by Colleen.
This is the view out my bedroom window. Yesterday morning,  we went to a waffle place, which we thought would be good wholesome american style BUT it was some fancy pants waffle place that took euros and costed more than our apartment. We did leave quite full though. They also had pure melted chocolate shots which Andy decided to get a full glass of...
 This is a shot I took last night at our new friends, Keebler and Taylor's place. Damn good time. Also, on the walk to this party I was crossing a busy street and ran into two people I worked with at Put-In-Bay. Weird.
Keebler & Taylors

First day of class FINALLY starts tomorrow (first time that statement was shared with excitement)! Tonight we are going to a show at the Improv Olympic and it's going to be very very very funny.
Everyone have a wonderful evening and we'll be talking soon!
Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 21, 2011

First Day Jazz.

This was my room the night before I left completely disorganized. 
And yes those are penguins get over it.  

Road trip partners in crime. Thank you for getting me there alive. 

                                                                     Lots of leg room though.
Alright, so I arrived yesterday around 2:30 with the rentals and enjoyed a smooth, leisurely cruise straight through. It is now day two with the roommates and I thank my brothers, Brian and Sean for training me to live with wild animals. I joke I joke they're great and we already had a family dinner. I had applejack cereal with oj, obviously delicious. I also spent my first night in a UPS store with the boys waiting for Jasper's 6 boxes to arrive so he can stop wearing his cords and wolf (as in animal) crew neck {side note: he talked about it often and before seeing it for myself I just thought he couldn't say wool...} BUT the trip was a success and we drove through the city at night which was a bit different from Dayton.
When we arrived back to Lincoln Park we watched tv, I straightened their hair, played trivial pursuit (failed miserably Jasper hustled us)  and then laid in our beds attempting to get sleep for orientation (the radiators sounds like dying cats). 

Schulyer, Jasper and Andy brought enough xbox games to build our own apartment but it's whateverrrr...hmmm.. oh and they watched Mean Girls before I got here which made me feel a bit uneasy but other than that they're the bomb.

This is home! Landlord Chuck is very kind and even put a live plant in my room! We'll see how long it survives : / We are on the top floor!

Surf Street

Panoramic shots of two corners of my room. I'll show you the finished project this weekend.  It's awesome

Very long, beautiful hallway and that's my room at the end, annnnd this is taken from the kitchen.

and the bathrooms in the main hallway.

 Andy preparing hot coco in wine glasses. Stupid brilliant idea. 

Haha... well this is Schuyler in his assigned seat in our family room.

Last but not least, Jasper unpacking his shiz after days of patiently awaiting their arrival.

Johnny's Day of Birth & Day of Orientation

What a glorious Friday it is today! I have been up for awhile this morning trying to organize myself for my big day ahead. I wish I was at UD right now to snuggle and harass my bestie on his 21st Birthday :( but that is an impossible feat. In loving care, I mailed him a card of appreciation and honor. I hope he uses it whenever he misses me and believes in his heart... HA! Happy Birthday John my swet peh. God Bless my child. Party. Drink. Be Free. SURVIVE. Amen.

Orientation starts at 10:00 a.m. today.

I'll try to take a video of some sort.

Good day to you!

(yesterday's story and images will appear later today)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today I need to purchase new hangers because my friend/old roommate nugget Erin Walsh decided to steal them one at a time, slowly but surely. I hold no regrets. 

My nerves are a bit high today ah! I hope first week back is going smoothly for the Dayton Flyers and if you go to Flanny's tonight please purchase a dollar well for me and place it near the jukebox. Actually, make it a double. Thanks. Also, do not wear slippers out I've made that mistake too many times to let a good friend do it.

Smell ya later!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Less Than 48 Hours Left In Cleveland

AHHHHHH! I am overexcited about going to Chicago Thursday morning BUT the packing is causing issues...considering my concentration is missing... can't find it anywhere.OH! My mom and I got our haircuts today hahaha that was a pretty funny adventure. I grew up a bit and got some side swoopin' dance bangs and lost about 29 lbs from the weight she cut from my frizz... considering if I chose to keep the extra weight of thickness I would be judged by the hipster-chic-artsy-retro-etc crowd. phew. ALSO.  I do have one bin packed containing all of my necessities I need to wear when performing like a freak (as in facebook/blog videos etc). The 'what you should bring' list for The Second City said something along the lines of... bring as much crap as you want to dress up your characters. So of course I went to my basement and dug up some things as you can see in the picture above. I am also bringing my guitar, one bongo which used to have a twin bongo that I broke off, and my harmonica. These will obviously be put to great drunken use. I gotta make new friends some how... so why not play them a little hip hip hip hippity hop melody created by yours truly?